Wednesday, April 30, 2008

cowgirl in the kitchen

This picture was taken in the kitchen of 2624 Scenic Hwy, the home we Finlayson kids grew up in. That's my oldest sister Jennie holding yours truly. Jennie doesn't wear cowgirl clothes see back in those days - dressing up in cowboy duds was a big deal for baby boomer kids. I didn't know this back then - seeing how I wasn't even a year old. Jennie took care of me a lot in those days. By the way, she just made Dean of Winthrop University in South Carolina and will be leaving Georgia Southern University soon.

The door behind us leads to a screen-in porch (well it was back then), where three big wooden rockers sat. I remember all the kids sitting outside on the rockers at night and listening to the trains pass in the valley. We had a wonderful place to grow up, hills to play king of the hill and just enough flat to play a baseball. We had lots of kids in the neighborhood too...plenty of little boomers to join in games. Our yard seemed to be the focus of a lot of neighborhood activities. The hills were fun to roll down or slide down on cardboard boxes. If you had the nerve - the hills made for a pretty thrilling try on a bicycle. I remember my chain broke while attempting the hill on a bike and the tool closet door brought me to an abrupt stop. It was either the wooden door or a brick wall. The hills were fun and didn't deter my downhill bicycling efforts.

1 comment:

  1. Jennie Rakestraw...College Dean.
    Jennie Rakestraw the early years as she struggles to learn the fine art of being a ventriloquist.
