Saturday, May 24, 2008

go go go astroboy

AstroBoy is the very first Japanese anime I remember ever seeing when I was a kid (-1966). Wikipedia states that it was indeed the first anime whose creator was Osamu Tezuk, sometimes referred to as the Japanese equivalent to America's Walt Disney. Being so long ago, I can't tell you the storyline of any one of these old black and white classic Japanese cartoons, but I was a big fan of this mechanical kid. I liked the idea of a little robot boy and how he could just blast off with his little rocket feet. The sound effects were odd and the voices dubbed in were odd. It was all and all a strange little cartoon series - almost as odd as Clutch Cargo. I didn't hear much about AstroBoy after it was taken off the air. Most people can't recall the show. Speed Racer was the second anime that I ever saw. Same strange sound effects, dubbed in voices, weird story lines. I would like to see one of the old black and white original AstroBoys. I know they probably didn't hold up to the test of time like a good old Warner Brother's cartoon. The cartoon I remember had it's own style, and artsy feel to it.

The seven wondrous power of AstroBoy:
1. Jet propulsion
2. Speaks sixty languages
3. The ability to discern good from evil
4. Great hearing ability X 1000
5. Eyes that could be used as a searchlight
6. strength equilvalent to 100 000 horsepower
7. THE WINNER FOLKS!- A machine gun on his butt!

AstroBoy Theme (original version)
There you go AstroBoy,
On your flight into space.R
ocket high, Through the sky,
More adventures to do all day.
AstroBoy bombs away,
On your mission today.
There's a count-down,
And a blast-off.
Everyday is go AstroBoy!
AstroBoy as you fly,
Strange new worlds you will spy.
Atom-celled, Jet propelled,
Fighting monsters high in the sky.
AstroBoy there you go,
Will you fight friend or foe,
Cosmic Ranger, Laugh at Danger,
Everday is go AstroBoy!
Crowds will cheer you,
You're a hero,As you go, go, GO ASTROBOY!!!


  1. Go to YouTube and search for "astro boy (1963) episode 4". The whole episode is there in 4 parts.

  2. For some reason, I can't get youtube videos to play here on boomerville. They play on my other site but fail here.

    I'll go check it out. Thanks!

  3. I was an Ultra man myself...
    He could kick Astro boys...asteriod?

  4. UltraMan came along after AstroBoy. I used to watch UltraMan back in the early to mid-seventies. UltraMan was also an odd Japanese product. He came along long before PowerRangers. Kicking the bad giant monsters around with Karate and falling on shoebox buildings. Cool stuff for a kid.
