Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New from Topper Toys!

When I was a young lad, my innocence blinded me from what this Topper Toy's mean SixFinger resembles. This toy hand gun...I mean finger gun looks more like something one could buy on-line at This extra appendage plaything is one of those dangerous toys that came out of the mid-sixties. You had the option of buying all kinds of different projectiles such as the message missile, fragmentation bomb and SO MUCH MORE!!! From the photo below, you could also use the Sixfinger as a flashlight and as a writing implement. I am sure the flashlight and writing implement could be shot from the flesh barrel as well. Kids could probably also get real creative and find many more improvised projectiles around the household to shoot at little brothers and family pets.

1 comment:

  1. Another middle finger?
    I remember that toy, but I guess I was a little, no, a lot naive. It simply looked like a finger. Wonder what corporate ladder climber came up with this one? Hey've shot birds at people...let's create a finger that will shoot mulitple things.
    good one Dave.
