Friday, May 16, 2008


This is Hercules. It was a cartoon series that ran in the early sixties. Notice how Herc looks a lot like Superman. The episodes were written by George Kashdan and Jack E. Miller, two former editors/writers at DC comics where Superman comics were published.I think that was the idea. Clay Rowe and I got on the topic of ancient cartoons last Saturday night. He emailed me yesterday wondering what it was that Herc was yelling at the end of the show (OLIMPIAAAA!). I did a Google search and ended up at They did a nice write up on the show. The theme song to the show is below. If you the tune automatically comes to you while you are reading these might be a boomer.

Hercules, hero of song and story
Hercules, winner of ancient glory
fighting for the right
fighting with his might
with the strength of ten ordinary men
Hercules, people are safe when near him
Hercules, only the evil fear him
softness in his eyes iron in his thighs
virtue in his heart
fire in every part
of the mighty Hercules!

This is Hercules and his life partner Newt.
- softness in his eyes iron in his thighs