Sunday, October 26, 2008

little old lady got mutilated late last night

An American Werewolf In London came out in 1981. It came out when I was working at that sweat shop silk screen place in Southside. Back then I would often pick up a fast food dinner on the way home and catch a double feature at The Rebel Drive-in. I didn't really care what I watched. I just wanted a break in the day before having to go home and go to bed and then to get up again and go to that sweat shop silk screen place again. It was during one of those nights that I saw An American Werewolf In London. There weren't many patrons at the Rebel that night - so the lot was kind of sparce and creepy to watch that kind of movie. The movie was great - John Landis peppered his creature feature with a little levity. Great movie, but like I said before, I didn't hang around at the end of the show to watch the credits. The doors were locked, windows rolled up tight as I sped that bug on home.

- so don't go out tonight
it's bound to take your life
there's a bad moon on the rise

1 comment:

  1. I love that movie.
    In fact I DVR'd it and transferred to DVD this past weekend.
    I am watching a whole lot of AMC Fear feast.

    American Werewolf in London was such a refreshing new twist to the Werewolf legend.

    John Landis did himself proud.
