Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Searchers

if you haven't seen The Searchers - you've missed one of John Waynes finest. It's one of The Dukes finest Westerns. To me, it has one of the best endings a movie ever had. John Wayne standing on the porch and then walking slowly away from the camera. The lost daughter was rescued and returned home - the music just brought the story to a nice ending. The setting is larger than life - and John Wayne is larger than life - the good guys win in the end. Great stuff.

Oh yeah - that is Dan Noojin sitting on the rocker at the end of the picture.


  1. What I liked about the movie was Wayne's attitude and character. He went from wanting to kill the girl to loving the girl. He had quite a bitterness toward the the point of killing off buffalo in one scene. That sentiment wouldn't fly today.

  2. John Wayne never was PC - and I know he wouldn't be if he was still around today.

  3. God's not PC.....why should we be?

  4. Buddy Holly saw this movie in Lubbock, Texas and when John Wayne spoke the line.....Ol' Buddy stored it away to write a song....
    John Wayne:"That'll be the day."

    No lie
    That's the way it came about...

  5. Another good movie - about the only great movie Gary Busey ever made (that I really liked) was The Buddy Holly Story (1978). I'm sure you've seen it before.
