Friday, December 12, 2008

Disco Noel

Nothing says Have A Very Annoying Christmas like DISCO NOEL. Back in the years when I was dating Gina, her mother (now my mom in-law)used to keep DISCO NOEL loaded in her 8-Track. Now I never was fan of disco - and even a lesser fan of Christmas Disco.

Poor Mrs. Hale, lost her copy a long time ago and lamented it's absence for Christmas' ever since. About three years ago I went on a quest to find it for her and bought a CD burn of it on Ebay. Now that's love - willing to give her music that will be tormenting me for years to come. Merry Christmas Mrs. Hale.


  1. AAAGGHHH! Stop the pain, please! Visions of Jon and Ponch with Santa hats are now embossed on my brain.

    I maintain there is nothing redeemable about disco . . . this selfless act truly reflects you love for family.

    Did you get her a good set of headphones to go along with it?

  2. Disco Noel isn't the kind of experienc one would use a pair of headphones to enjoy. Mrs. Hale recently told me that it's not sit down listening music - but rather holiday music to work and dance to. Disco Noel would be played to be heard throughout the house - through really cheap speakers - audible enough to be heard over here green shag carpet vacuuming chores.

    Gina told me last night that she has wonderful memories of cleaning house during the Christmas hoidays to that tape. I clearly remember sitting at Mrs. Hale's dining room table Christmas morning for Christmas breakfast with the stereo 8-track blaring Disco Noel behind my head. No way would anyone let me turn it down a notch - as if I were a Scrooge - stealing the family of their disco Christmas spirit.

  3. Hey...when I was a toddler I loved 'Disco Duck'..... remember that?
