Friday, January 16, 2009

space - the final frontier

Gene Roddenberry noted in his autobiography that Star Trek was inspired by this the 1956 movie FORBIDDEN PLANET. If you watch the movie you'll see some influences on the original Star Trek television series. The movie had it's own influence - a similar plot based on William Shakespeare's The Tempest.

If you like science fiction, this is a good one to watch. It's got a great cast, great story, a nothing with deep foot prints, and ideas that sparked many directors of science fiction since.


  1. This is one of my families favorites. Chad/Josh/me all saw it together when the boy's were small. In fact, each of us have a DVD copy of it in our movie library.
    The scenes of the spaceship at the beginning have been used in a mumber of twilight zones. In one particular show "third planet from the sun" the shot of the FORBIDDEN PLANET saucer was integrated into the ZONE show by showing it upside down to give the ship a different perspective.

    You picked a good movie to blog about.


  2. Those guys ripped off George Lucas' beginning of Star Wars...

  3. Lucas once said that the opening crawl was taken from the old Flash Gordon serial that preceded Forbidden Planet by about 20 years. Lucas also said that it was the old Flash Gordon serial that heavily influenced much of his writting in the Star Wars Saga.

    I've just read where Warner Brothers are working on a remake of Forbidden Planet. It's the same old thing - remaking a masterpiece usually falls flat. Sure they'll give us a hi-tech special effects sci-fi - but doubtful they will give us something equal or better.

    I've seen many of the remakes - Lost In Space being a prime example of Hollywood wiz-bang-remake crap. Hollywood is void of new ideas and think they can go back and tell a story better just because they've got better FX.

    Who knows - maybe they'll add something to the story, another angle or depth that will make the retelling worth while...but I doubt it.

  4. Every time I run across this movie on cable, I watch as much of it as I can -- I really need to get the DVD. Good call, David . . . it really did set the standard for any decent SciFi from that point on.
