Monday, May 25, 2009

john michael talbot

This song is called Would You Crucify Him. This is one of the first songs I ever heard John Michael Talbot sing. Though his life and music took a different path as he followed God - I loved his earliest work the best. I would like to find his album The New Earth. I would love to hear it again. I used to have a cassette of it but wore it out many many many years ago. His music was among my most favorite of the Jesus Music era.

I first heard John Michael Talbot when Brook, Don Rakestraw and I drove out to Atlanta to hear him. That night Mike Warnke fronted for him. I had never heard of either of them. We stayed over at John Zeller's house after the concert. John Zeller was a Bose rep that Don befriended while Don still worked at Laverty Music. John let us sleep on the floor in his living room during that visit. I didn't get much sleep on that hard floor but would not have missed the experience for the world.

We (Christian Brother's Association) later invited both John and Terry Talbot to headline at our first No Jive Jesus is Alive Falls Festival back in 1977. They really sounded great together.

I would love to hear John Michael Talbot live again. I'd love to hear him do some of his old stuff. He is an incredible musician - an incredible songwriter - and a true servant of God.

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