Friday, April 30, 2010

Johnny West and his plastic cowboy hat

I only had a few of these guys. Marx made a durable toy, but it wasn't as flexible as a G.I. Joe. Like I said, I didn't play cowboy much. These guys would get dressed in Joe's clothes and forced to fight Nazis. I had the General Custard figure. For some reason he always seemed lost and out of place.

Marx did make Army action figure, Stony Smith. I did like that guy, his molded plastic face seemed somehow wise beyond his plastic years.


  1. This must have been the commercial that hooked me! I had Johnny, Geronimo, Captain Maddox and Chief Cherokee. My wife still has her Jane West in the original box!

  2. I gotta hand it to Marx Toys. When you bought one of their action figures, they threw in a bunch of extra accessories in the box.

    The only reason I collected more of the Marx Western action figures was so I could have some new faces among my ranks. All the G.I. Joes I had - had the same face - the same scar - just different colored hair.
