Wednesday, May 5, 2010

pop to cop

Bobby Sherman was a big pop star back in the late sixties and early seventies.  I remember one of my older sister's Irene being a fan of Bobby's during that time.  Bobby learned out to play thirteen instruments through out his teens.  In 1964 He sang at a local Hollywood party and was picked up by an agent that got him a part on the show 'Shindig' (1964-1966).  Bobby then got opportunities to be on The Dating Game, The FBI, and The Monkees.  He later got his own show, Getting Together,  that spun from another teen pop show, The Partridge Family.

Bobby Sherman's fan site states that Bobby never minded his down-time from acting and touring.  He enjoyed being a dad.  He trained to be an EMT back in 1988 and is now with the L.A. Police Department  as a specialist officer.   Bobby is responsible for teaching thousands of cadets first-aid and CPR.   Bobby has said that medical rescue work and teaching is the best life experience and training that he could ever have.

It makes me wonder how many middle aged women out there have feigned a faint in order to be resuscitated by their old teen age heart throb - Officer Bobby Sherman. 


  1. hey David, this is Denise. He also was in a tv show called Here Come the Brides. I think, anyways. He sang the theme song to it which was something about In Seattle. I had the 8-track :)

  2. Silly me, you are so right Denise - an oversight on my part. I remember watching the show. 'Here Comes The Brides' was a big boost for Sherman's career. It was a knock off of the movie 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers'.

    The bluest skies you've ever seen are in Seattle.
    And the hills the greenest green in Seattle.

    I just read where Bobby recorded a version of the song, but wasn't used in the show. Perry Como also did a version of the song that made it to the Top 40. Neither Perry's or Bobby's versions were used on the television show.

    There were two versions used, an instrumental only (Hugh Montenegro's orchestra), and one sung by The New Establishment (accompanied by Hugh Montenegro's orchestra)

    Hugh Montenegro wrote the song 'Seattle' with Jack Keller and Ernie Sheldon. Hugh did a lot of television work back in the day. I blogged about him sometime last year here at Boomerville.

    I'm sure if they made a remake of the show in our day and time - it would be called 'Here Come The Guys' or a movie version - 'Seven Guys for Seven Brothers'. Seattle is known for something other than non-traditional ways these days.
