Sunday, December 11, 2011

How The Grinch Sole My Heart

Boris Karloff and Christmas?  Theodor Seuss Geisel (alias: Dr. Seuss) was deeply concerned that Karloff's voice might be a bit too scary to use as the voice of the Grinch.  Too scary for us?  Dr. Seuss must not have understood that even at our young age, we baby-boomers loved Karloff as much as we loved green eggs and ham.  Karloff after all played our most favorite and most famous monster of all time - FRANKENSTEIN!!!!  Karloff made monsters, and great mad scientist - but we knew the old man had to be a nice man off set and he was.  In fact, Karloff did love kids.

What a voice!  The 1966 children's book adaptation far surpasses the remake starring Jim Carrey back in 2000.  The original Grinch not only had the incredible dark creepy voice of Karloff, but was directed by the man who brought us Bugs Bunny, Tweety Bird & Daffy Duck  - Mr. Chuck Jones himself.  Suess, Karloff & Jones - what a trio of unique talent!

My kids found an old VHS copy of How The Grinch Stole Christmas in an ornament box this year.  We all sat down and watched it together.  I don't think anyone will ever surpass the original telling of a furry green fellow's phenomenal redemption.  The Carrey version is good and the kids enjoy watching it, but for me - this old Grinch will always remain my personal fave.

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