Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Specials

I don't know if they would go over today like they did yesteryear, but I remember Christmas Specials.  Sure they have Christmas Specials today, but not like the ones we used to know.  I remember Bob Hope's Christmas Specials, and Bing Crosby's Christmas Specials.  Any celebrity who already had a regular variety show in those days had their own Christmas Special too.

My mind though usually goes back to Bob Hopes or Bing Crosby's specials.  They weren't mere shows, but seasonal events.  You didn't watch them alone.  The family would gather to watch them together.

Bob Hope's Christmas Specials were unique in that he tied many of these shows in with his USO entertainment efforts.  Bob Hope had entertained the troops through World War II, Korea, Vietnam and on up to The Gulf War.  His Christmas show to the soldiers fighting in Vietnam brought a great deal of controversy for those who were against the war.  Nevertheless, Bob Hope ignored the criticism and continued to reach out to the troops.

Whether he was entertaining the troops or not, we always looked forward to seeing our favorite king of one-liners come Christmas time.  Most shows he'd sing Silver Bells (from the Lemon Drop Kid) with one of his female guests. And yes, he'd always end each show with a song that was unmistakably and uniquely his.

Maybe we'll never see Christmas Specials like the ones we used to know.  We live in a different world. The audience has changed.  Yet, many of us, will still keep those warm memories for many Christmases to come.  Thanks for the memories!

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