Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Disco Noel Hell

This album grates on my nerves.  My mother in-law had an 8-track of it when Gina and I were dating and early in our marriage.  She over-saturated her house with novelty disco music every Christmas.  Somewhere along the line the tape broke or her player broke.  I was happy to hear the news, but she wasn't.

I'm posting this song for Mrs. Betty Hale.  We nearly lost her last month.  The big thing that I am grateful for this Christmas is that she's back home and recovering.  We love her so much and happy to have her with us this Christmas.

About ten years ago Gina asked me to hunt Disco Noel down on CD.  The album never made it officially to CD, but I was able to find a bootleg burn of it on eBay.  We gave it to her as part of her Christmas that year so her house could once again reverberate with Disco Noel.  God help us everyone.

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