Wednesday, September 11, 2013

it's a jungle out there

Back in the late eighties I worked at a production company with an old friend.  We did video for commercials and industrial presentations.  We created a lot of promotions for other companies and rarely for ourselves. Among my favorite projects was a self-promo piece we produced for cable insertion.

Jamey and I came up with the concept and I had a lot of fun developing the storyboard and coming up with the props.  I remembered securing a skull from my friend Derick Mitchell.  The skull had been sawed open like most class room skeletons are sawed open and hinged so students coule inspect the interior of the skull's cavity.  In order to conceal the the cut, I wrapped some masking tape around it.  I was surprised how well the masking tape worked, the color of the tape matched the color of the bone.  It looked great on video and I didn't have to do anything else to it.  I also created a treasure map for our little jungle expedition under Noccalula Falls.  I rendered it in charcoal and design markers on a piece of a brown paper grocery bag that I wrinkled.  We spared no expense. 

It was great working on the concept, props, and co-direct.  I believe it was the only time I was in front of the camera at JMP.  Jamey was also on both sides of the camera.  My brother Brook was recruited to join the party.  All of this took us back to an earlier day when Jamey and Brook shot movie shorts under the Falls years earlier.

After we had the footage in the can, we did the post at Jacksonville State University Communication Department.  At that time, they had a new facility, equipped with the latest editing equipment.  After Jamey and I had polished the copy ~ I got to do the voice-over.  I learned to mimic the voice of Geoffry Holder just for this spot.  At the time, Geoffry was hawking 7-up's 'UnCola' campaign.

I love doing video because it encompasses all of my talents/skills.  This video was challenging and so much fun!  My old picture Jamey posted this image on his facebook account today.  It took me back.

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