Candy cigarettes come to mind. I don't recall mom or dad having a problem with any of their kids enjoying a pack of candy cigarettes. There were the bubble gum variety that you'd have to unroll from the paper wrapping to get to the gum. The ones I remember the most were semi-sweet and chalky. These cigarettes I remember were packaged with real cigarette names. My preferred brand was LUCKY STRIKE. They weren't the best tasting candy, but I like most kids, thought I looked grown-up and cool. If I really wanted to look cool, I'd roll the cigarette box up in my t-shirt sleeve. Sometimes after playing army - it would be good to calm shattered nerves with a good smoke.

It was a different time, wasn't it? Kids pretend smoking like the grown-ups they saw on television. If cigarettes were good enough for John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, and Clark Gable, they were good enough for me. Parents didn't seem to mind, not about the faux fags, let alone the second hand candy cigarette smoke.
I loved candy cigs when I was a kid too. Denise and I were just talking about them.....she said that they should revitalize them with *Splenda* or something similar. I'd buy them!
One thing I remember about the candy cigarettes was that if you blew through one while it was hanging out of our mouth, a puff of "smoke" would come out of the end, making it like a real, burning cigarette. Of course, that was the sugar being blown out, so the candy wasn't quite as good . . .
While making the post I Googled candy cigarettes and you can still buy them. For some mysterious reason, actual cigarette brands are not on them anymore. Kind of spoils the fun.
Candy Cig's....
Remember the little wax coke bottles you could get that were full of syrup? Chew off the top, drink the syrup and then chew the bottle. Good stuff.
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