Monday, September 15, 2008

old burger joints

Before the franchises took over - there were numerous mom and pop burger joints scattered around town. There we so many and I can't remember all the names and locations. I believe Burger Chef was the one on Meighan where a chinese restaurant is. I've heard old Gadsden High alumni from the sixties and early seventies mention that it was a favorite hangout. I used to take Gina to one that used to be at the intersection of 77 & Rainbow drive. I am not a big fast food burger fan. I eat them if I have to. Were'nt those old places better? Did the hamburgers taste better back then or have my taste buds changed?

I need to drive over to Magic Burger (Attalla, AL) sometime. It's been well over a decade since I've had one of theirs burgers. Magic Burger is where my sister Jennie and her husband Don used to eat when on their dates back in the early to mid seventies. It's the last place of it's kind in the area.
The only names I do recall are Burger Chef and Pic-A-Burger. What places do you recall from your youth? Any memories of an old favorite burger joint.


  1. Gotta come out to 'talla and have a burger at Ray's BBQ.
    It is goooooooood.

  2. I forgot all about Rays. It's been a loooong time since I've been there.

  3. Hey David! I loved the Pic-A-Burger when I was a little girl. I thought it was the Pickle Burger. The burger place on 77 and Rainbow Drive was the Kreme King; with twin burger baskets and blackwalnut milkshakes and real banana splits. My Pawpaw Birchfield ran the Rainbow Lanes Snack Bar for a while when I was little and they had great burgers. He also co-owned and ran the Billy Burger Restaurant; I don't remember it but I have pictures. It was across from Merita Bakery on 12th Street. I didn't comment on your drugstore post because I just started reading this blog; but I remember Eddon's. They had a fountain with real cherry cokes and a shiny red countertop with red leather barstools that spun. They had toys and everything. They were also kind enough to carry my family on credit when I was a baby, needing medicine, and my dad was on strike at the steel plant. In my early teens, McCuen's had good burgers. I haven't eaten at 278 since they reopened, but they had good burgers and onion rings. Currently, my favorite burgers are Jose's burgers. Let us know when you can come and we'll fix you up with few! My mouth is watering. KDR

  4. Eddon's was located where that West Gadsden Cafe is on Broad/Forrest near downtown.

  5. You are making me hungry Denise!

    Wow, thanks for the comment. I had forgotten all about McCuens. Do post those images sometime.

    I had forgotten all about the black walnut shakes - and the name of Kreme King. It was nestled right by a small grocery store that faced Rainbow Drive.

    Thanks again for the shared memories.

  6. Hate to break it to you, but we had a Burger Chef in Paducah . . . so it was at least a regional chain!

    I loved going their as a kid -- Burger Chef and Jeff rocked, and they had a knock-off of the big mac that was much better.

    I think Hardee's bought them out in the late 70's.
