Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tim Conway

Before SNL, we had The Carol Burnett Show. Burnett was all about fun and not much on politics. The gang did a weekly show of back to back sketch comedy - hopelessly trying to keep it together in the process. They couldn't. Even though it was Carol's show - Tim Conway was my favorite. He was the guy that kept breaking the cast up and reducing Harvy Corman to tears almost every night. The Dentist sketch is Tim at his best - the skit that I remember the most.


  1. My favorite sketch was the spoof they did on Jaws.
    Harvey Korman played Chief Brody and Tim played Quint.
    He was explaing to Harvey his first encounter with a great white shark. During the conversation you can tell when Tim leaves the script.
    "My first wife was an olympic swimmer. We were off the coast of Mexico when she decided to swim to shore. About 50 yards out, I saw the fin break the surface. I screamed to my wife as she saw the fin. She mustered every ounce of strength she had and swam for the shore. She would have made it to if she hadn't been wearing her lucky ham."

    Just the thought of someone swimming with a ham around their neck broke me up....

