The linked article relates to the infantile aspect of the Me-Generation. No, I didn't forget that moniker. The motto of the era was Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out. This is a NeoZine article is a long read yet explains a lot about what happened yesterday and what is happening today within the family unit and among the Millennials. The self indulgent old hippies have produced off-spring with their own strange selfish bent - and it's coming around to bite us in the butt.
Though I enjoy revisiting places of my past, our shared boomer experience, I am not proud of everything in which my generation is responsible. You can still hear people in the media talk about the good old days - glamorizing the stupidity of the mid to late 60's. I will write about it but this article I stumbled across expresses much of my negative thoughts regarding my generation.
The death scene of Captain Miller in the movie Saving Private Ryan comes to mind. When Miller, played by Tom Hanks, tells Private Ryan to "Earn This". Those two words went deep. We've had great generations, selfless generations sacrifice before we came along. It seems that the generations (I'm using my broad paint brush here) that followed have no concept of such sacrifice. We are a generation who reminise about Kennedy but don't heed his most famous words.
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
We are generations wanting the country to do for us.
1 comment:
Hey, I dig it, bro. "It's like, we're in heaven, man!" as the voice rang out from the stage at Woodstock. Maybe that's true if "Heaven is in your mind," as 3-Dog Night said!
Thanks for reading my NeoZine article. I'm trying to write this stuff for Boomer parents, who need to get a grip on it and get their heads out of Woodstock long enough to raise kids with mature emotional lives!
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