Aside from Dr. Suess books, this book to the best of my recollection was my first book to read. There were two Homer Price books and I can't tell you a thing about the plot. I do remember why I read the book. It was upon seeing the cover with a kid and a doughnut machine that gave me courage and the appetite to read a bonafide big book..well...big for a little kid. I remember being proud that I had taken on a book filled with pages of words rather than pictures. The only thing that I remember about it is that the author, Robert McCloskey, might have been inspired somewhat by O'Henry's work. The "Ransom of Little Red Chief" comes to mind. There was an episode in the book where Homer took on a bunch of criminals with his pet skunk. That rings of O'Henry. Then again, after reading the Wikipedia bio on Mr. McCloskey, he might well have based Homer Price on his own youth. Who knows.
The cover art of the book does take me back to my boomer youth - the kind of reading wholesome reading and adventure that I enjoyed as a kid. By the way, what book or books come to mind from you're childhood?
I received books for my birthday and Christmas from my two favorite aunts. Aunt Flora and Aunt Vertie. They would buy the hardback..WHITMAN adventure books.
I remember reading THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD, ROBINSON CRUSOE, THE CALL OF THE WILD and others.Early teen years, I switched over to Zane Grey...Good western stories and Ray Bradbury....
Reading was always a big part of my life. My favorite thing to do on Saturday nights was to climb into my bed around 8 p.m. , turn on my 8-transistor Am Radio and read whatever the book-du-jour' was.
I recently gave Katie a copy of The Adventures of Robin Hood. You can watch all the movies of that merry fellow but you just can't beat the experience of actually reading it. The book was generously illustrated by illustrations of Howard Pyle.
"...your blog site rocks. Interesting, edgy, nostalgic, psycho-deliciosity, americana, boomerania, eclectic electric, child-like, childhoodesque, mind set required to understand and enter the kingdom of God stuff." - Danny Daniels
I received books for my birthday and Christmas from my two favorite aunts. Aunt Flora and Aunt Vertie.
They would buy the hardback..WHITMAN adventure books.
I remember reading THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD, ROBINSON CRUSOE, THE CALL OF THE WILD and others.Early teen years, I switched over to Zane Grey...Good western stories and Ray Bradbury....
Reading was always a big part of my life. My favorite thing to do on Saturday nights was to climb into my bed around 8 p.m. , turn on my 8-transistor Am Radio and read whatever the book-du-jour' was.
I recently gave Katie a copy of The Adventures of Robin Hood. You can watch all the movies of that merry fellow but you just can't beat the experience of actually reading it. The book was generously illustrated by illustrations of Howard Pyle.
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