This is a response to a Boomerville, USA Facebook Group query about how it would be nice to bring Mayberry back. I know the comment was in fun, but it caused me to ponder about where we have come, where we are, and going..
So many remakes being made
today of previous television shows/old movie classics. The original Andy Griffith Show actors, to me, are cemented to the characters they played. Even when
the original characters reunited for 'Return to Mayberry' in the 80's
- it fell flat. Even the original characters
seemed out of step in their own shoes. Eventually Andy left town and the
show was renamed Mayberry RFD. The lead roll was given
to the very talented and down to earth fellow Ken Berry. The show was good, but Mayberry just wasn't the same anymore. Andy was gone, Barney was gone, Floyd was gone. I just lost interest in Mayberry. All my friends had left. The town just wasn't the same anymore.
A few years after leaving the show Andy Griffith tried to recreate his prior success with The New Andy Griffith Show that also fizzled. The New Andy Griffith Show had many of the same
actors but not the same names/characters. The town was Greenwood, NC and
Andy played Andy Sawyer. It didn't have the depth. It just wasn't the same.
Today's ethics/values/morals have
gone down the tubes. Even if someone could capture the time, place and
people - it just wouldn't be the same. My mind goes to the movie
Pleasantville. Here an era was captured but the wholesomeness of what
we desire in a picture would more than likely be bastardized by the
perverted minds of today. Andy would be fornicating with Ellie Walker.
Opie would be suspended from school because he was found with a
slingshot in his back pocket. Gomer would come out of the closet.
Thelmalu would be a feminist pushing her NOW pro-abortion agenda. Poor
Barney would become a basket case because his masculinity would be
completely stripped because of his love for Thelmalu. If it's up to Hollywood - there would
be an underlying twisted agenda that we see everyday on the big and
little screen. I seriously doubt if the Hollywood today could make
something as good and wholesome as the original. I don't know if you
can really return to Mayberry. That's the bad news. The good news is...we'll always have reruns.