As for the advertisement above, I never cared for Fizzies but they were a favorite treat for most baby-boomer kids. You'd plop a flavored pill into water as if you were using an Alka-Selzer and PRESTO - a fizzily-flavored drink. Brook (my older brother) told me of a guy that got out of class by popping one directly into his mouth during class. It wasn't long before red foamy bubbles started spewing from his mouth.
I remember enjoying TANG as a kid...the orange juice of astronauts. I also remember this chocolate drink by Carnation Foods called Instant Breakfast. It was a chocolate powder that you added to milk. It always gave me a stomach ache for some reason.
Tang? Man,even if it was drank by astronauts, there was no way I was going to drink it. It always tasted like really watered down o.j. (Maybe because that is what my mom did to make it last longer...)
Do you remember the straws you could by to drink milk with and they would flavor the milk? I don't know why but I always enjoyed the strawberry ones....
I will live here on your blog...
thanks man
Tang...apparently your mom was trying to make the jar last. Tang was TANGY when done right!!! I think one of the funniest things I ever saw on David Letterman Show was when he stuck a serving spoon of Tang POWDER in his mouth. Talk about sensory overload. That was so funny! Almost as funny as when he wore that velcro suit.
I remember the milk straws but never had one.
Moms are something. I didn't know what Welches Grape Juice really tasted like until I was in my early twenties. Mother would pour about two fingers worth of Welches in the bottom of a glass and add sugar and water. It turned turned the grape nectar into a weak grape drink. Mother I guess had to make that little bottle of Welches last. The bottles then were much smaller back then and there were eight of us in the household.
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