Monday, May 17, 2010


I remember Clackers.  Back in the seventies, this is the fad toy that kids sought.  Believe it or not, for a short time, we were actually allowed to take them to school with us.  This photo doesn't represent the actual size of the toy.  The Clackers that I had, each ball was about 2" in diameter.  Mine were pale blue with a brass ring.  Clackers made such a loud clatter that it wasn't long before teachers started confiscating them.  What's the fun in taking Clackers to school if you couldn't clack?

Eventually this toy disappeared from stores.  I heard that a lot of kids got hurt playing with them.  I heard that some of the huge marble-like balls were known to shatter.  I heard that some kids injured other kids with them.  Even as kids, we knew that the toy looked a lot like the ancient hunting/ killing implement called the Bola.  It was only a matter of time before us kids were deprived of this most wonderful toy.


Mike Westfall said...

Heh. I had some of those. My dad used to make them out of some kind of resin that he poured into spherical glass molds.

My most lucid memory of clackers was the time I tried to shatter one of the balls by slinging it down on the sidewalk. It didn't shatter. Instead, it bounced back up and hit me right in the middle of the forehead. Ouch! Almost knocked me out!

David Finlayson said...

Wow. Your dad made them? That is so cool.