Fred seemed like a nice guy, and probably unlike most movie and television personalities, probably lived up to his swell guy image. Wikipedia write-up said that fame didn't seem to affect his frugal ways. He'd bring a brown sack lunch to work and it usually consisted of a boiled egg. William Demarest said that he'd be eating dry dyed eggs with him several months after Easter. A few months ago I bought a DVD of Jack Benny Shows. There's an episode where Fred shows up at Jack's house with his saxophone to jam with the guys. Fred started out as a musician - film worked better for him. I enjoyed his comedies and even played rolls in darker roles such as the Billy Wilder's film classic Double Indemnity. I don't know if many people recall men like Fred MacMurray. Maybe one day, when my time is up, I'll have Fred as a neighbor. I think he'd make a good one at that.
My favorite Dad?
Benton Quest. O.k. he was a cartoon, but man...he took his son on all these incredible adventures.
Plus, how cool would be it to have a name like Johnny QUEST?
I loved Johnny Quest - the original that is.
Two things you might not know about MY THREE SONS.
1.) William Frawley (Fred Mertz on I LOVE LUCY) was the original uncle on MY THREE SONS. William Demerest came in to replace William Frawley.
2.) Fred McMurray was the model for CAPTAIN MARVEL. No lie, they copied his looks to create Capt. Marvel...SHAZAM!
Yep. the Captain Marvel thing I didn't know about until a few days ago...but I remember Frawley being on My Three Sons.
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