I pulled my old bike down from the wall a few weeks ago. I cut that old worn out bag off the handle bars. I thought of that last trip to Western Auto as I tossed it into the trash.
I never went into that little store and go straight to a particular section. I'd go in and walk up and down each aisle and check out anything new. Funny thing - they rarely had much of anything new.
Back when I was mowing the lawn at my dad's law office or at our Ponderosa sized yard at home - Western Auto Store was where I'd go to get lawnmower parts.
Western Auto was a great franchise.
Amen and Amen!
I miss the stores on Broad Street.
I miss going in, like you said and wander up and down the aisles looking at all the stuff.
Wouldn't it be great if Mom and Pop stores started coming back?
As much as I love going to Lowes - the variety and the price - I miss places like Western Auto, Ace Hardware and the like.
American Lumber was here in Southside up until a few years ago. They were eager to help you find anything you needed and had a batch of popcorn cooked for their patrons.
As far as Mom & Pops go - it's hard to compete with the mega stores like Lowes and Walmart. I am not one for hating the mega stores - as life changes - so does commerce.
I think that there's still a place for the mom & pop operations. Even though they can't compete with the big guys - there's avenues for selling the common, nostalgic and novelty items. Take Gadsden Variety Store. I'm glad the store has still been around - even though it's passed through many hands and has had various names.
I even remember a Western Auto store in Dalton Georgia where I grew up at. My favorite isle was the one where they had Go-Carts on display. I was a Go-Cart fanatic.. well until the 'accident'. Anyways..times are changing.... one day the Gadsden Variety may end up being owned by Kalid or someone similar in name.
Not that I have anything against new blood or change....but it's not always the same. For example...Wood's Grocery off of South 11th Street. Ever since Mr. Woods sold off it's not been quite the same. Out of date food on the shelves....the meat department has suffered greatly in their quality.... just not the same. So now I shop at Johnson's. I've grown to appreciate the small things in life and the 'Mom and Pops' included.
Johnson's is a little further from your front door but that grocery store is one of our town's businesses that old days atmosphere.
I believe it was originally a Piggly Wiggly and has passed hands down through the years.
From time to time you'll hear me talk about my old friend Arnie Sanford. I still sing some of his songs. Arnie's last job was at that location - worked until he physically couldn't.
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